Gọi VN Từ Mỹ Và Canada Chỉ Có 1cent/phút

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Moderator: A Mít

Gọi VN Từ Mỹ Và Canada Chỉ Có 1cent/phút

Postby thienvy » 08 Sep 2009

Vô đây tìm hiểu nha

Zenofon is a great service. They give you 20 USA numbers that you can forward to your contacts international numbers.

It's better than a calling card because instead of having to dial an access number, a PIN and then the international number, you only have to dial one local number which Zenofon forwards all the way overseas.

They also have a great referral system based off of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea.

You can join Zenofon by using the link below:

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Posts: 1881
Joined: 15 Jul 2005
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