Học Tiếng Anh

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Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 22 Sep 2023



Marcel is a French mouse. He lives on a beautiful old boat in Paris. (His home is under the kitchen floor.) He likes books, restaurants and old films. He likes the opera, too.
One evening in June, Marcel finishes a detective story. Then he goes to have dinner with some friends. They live in the metro station at the Louvre.

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 22 Sep 2023



The time is one o'clock in the morning. The place is the Ritesville town art gallery. A window opens and a man comes in. His name is Harry Black, and he is a thief.
It is dark in the art gallery, but Harry has a light. He looks across the room at a painting...

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 26 Sep 2023


Marcel and the Shakespeare letters

Marcel is a French mousse. He’s a detective and he lives in Paris. But Marcel doesn't live in Paris alt year. Every November he visits London. His old friend - Henry - has a small flat there.
Marcel loves London.The beautiful buildings ... the big, black taxis . . . the museums and shops. He loves Paris, but he loves London too.


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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 27 Sep 2023


The big Street with its cafés and shops and people was behind them now.They walked slowly. It was quiet. Away from the cars and the noise, Kim was excited. She held on to Dave's hand. They were in a narrow street of tall houses and small shops.They heard a radio through an open window. A woman singing. Kim stopped and listened, but she did not understand the words. Her Spanish was good, but not very good!


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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 28 Sep 2023

Mr. Bean in town - Penguin Readers

Level 2
Retold by John Escott
First published in 2001 by Pearson Education Limited



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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 29 Sep 2023


'Always he good, so people will lore you. Always work hard and do your best.'
These were the words of Black Beauty’s mother to her son when he was only a young horse. At that time, they lived with Farmer Grey. But when Black Beauty got older, this was sometimes very difficult for him. Not everybody was as kind as Farmer Grey.
Anna Sewell was born in Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk, England, in 1820. She had an accident when she was about fourteen years old. After this she could not walk without help,Back Beauty was her only book. She wrote it because she loved horses. It hurt her when somebody was unkind to a horse.
There were no cars or buses in those days. There were trains between the towns and cities. In town or in the country you walked, or used a horse. The horse carried you, or pulled you in a carriage, cart or bus. It brought milk, bread and other things to your house…


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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 01 Oct 2023



Jane Austen
Part of the Pearson English Graded Readers series
Level 2: Persuasion

When they were very young, Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth were in love.

They did not marry, but Anne never forgot her love for him.

Now, many years later, they meet again. Does Wentworth feel anything for Anne, or is he only interested in her pretty young friends?

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 01 Oct 2023


Simply Suspense

Her first thought was: ‘I must not scream…’

Three stories...
In a far country, a man must open one of two doors. One door will bring him love. The other door will kill him.
In a French hotel, a woman goes into her room. But it is not her room. And someone is with her.
In London, a man stays the night in a waxworks. The killers, the people with knives, arc not real. So why is he afraid?Three stories, four doors. Be careful when you open them ...

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 02 Oct 2023


Lost Love and Other Stories
Level 2
Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

The stories in this book are all different. Some are sad and some are happy. But they are all very exciting. Something strange happens to the people in each story. But life is strange sometimes.
In ‘Lost Love’, a young man finds a girl and loves her. Then he loses her. Will he find her again?
In ‘The Other Man’, a writer is afraid of a stranger in his room. Who is the other man, and what does he want?
A young soldier, in ‘The Charm’, is afraid of fighting. How can he learn to be brave?
And in ‘Journey’s End’, an intelligent young man without a job learns something about his future. Will it change his life?

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 03 Oct 2023


The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories

Level 2
Retold by Carolyn Jones and Derek Strange Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter


Suddenly I woke up. Everything was dark and very quiet, but somebody was at the end of my bed. There was a hand with a light, and behind the light was the blind woman. She had a knife in her other hand . . .

A young wife goes to her new husbands beautiful house. At night somebody visits her — a woman in a black coat. What does she want? Who is she? Why does she have no eyes?

In India, Imray’s friends think he is dead. One day he was at his office. The next day he was not. What happened? Nobody knows. But the new people in Imray’s house are going to find out. Because Imray is going to tell them ...
And the old woman, Mrs Stone. What is she trying to tell the man every night in his sleep? Her hair is white, and she is thin and weak. But her eyes are dangerous ...

Do you want to sleep tonight? Then don’t read these stories.

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-73) was born in Dublin, Ireland. He is one of the most famous ghost story writers in the world. He began to write when he was very young, but most of his writing was for newspapers. In 1858, his wife died, and he stopped going out of his house or seeing people - and wrote some of his best ghost stories and books.

Rudyard Kipling was born in India in 1865. His parents were English. He lived in India for many years, and wrote many books and short stories about its people and animals. He wrote his famous children’s story The Jungle Book in 1894. He died in England in 1936.

Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940) was born in Berkshire, England. He wrote more than a hundred books in his life, and his ghost stories are famous now. He lived in the old town of Rye, in Sussex, in the south of England.

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 04 Oct 2023


Moby Dick


Level 2
Retold by Kathy Burke rics Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

“I’m going to finish this! I'll stop when the white devil is dead—with my harpoon in his white devil's body. ”

Captain Ahab bates Moby Dick—“the white devil”—because he lost a leg to the white whale in a fight. Now Ahab, the captain of a whaling ship, can only think of one thing. He has to find Moby Dick and kill him.
Many of the other sailors on the ship don’t know about their captains plan. Ishmael is a young sailor and this is his first whaling job. He and his new friend, Qucueequeg, sail with Captain Ahab on this exciting—and dangerous—trip. Also on the ship are Starbuck, Stubb, and other whalers from different countries. Will they find Moby Dick? What will happen next?...

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 06 Oct 2023


Treasure Island

Level 2
Retold by Ann Ward
Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Poller

‘Tomorrow I’m going to Bristol,’ said Mr Trelawney. ‘I’m going to buy a ship and find sailors. Jim, you and Dr Livesey are going to come with me to look for the treasure!’

Jim Hawkins works in his father’s inn by the sea. One day an old sailor comes to stay. He watches the sea and the ships. He is ill. He is afraid. But what - or who - is he afraid of?
Very soon Jim understands, because the old man has a map. A lot of people are interested in that map - and some of them are very dangerous people. Jim Hawkins is going to meet them when he sails in the Hispaniola to Treasure Island. It will be a journey with many difficulties ...

Robert Louis Stevenson was born in 1850 in Edinburgh, Scotland and began writing when he was a boy. He finished his first book when he was sixteen.
He went to many different countries in his life. He was often dangerously ill and he wanted to find a place with warm weather where he could live and do his writing. In 1888, he went by ship to the Pacific islands, and after 1890 he lived on the island of Samoa, with his wife, mother and son. The Samoans called him ‘Tusitala’ - ‘the story-teller’.
He wrote many different books and stories. Treasure Island (1883) is his most famous book but Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) is also very well-known. Stevenson died in 1894 on Samoa.

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 06 Oct 2023


King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Level 2
Retold by Deborah Tempest
Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

They went back to the place outside the church, and Sir Ector put the sword in the stone again.
'Now pull it out,’ he said to Arthur.
Arthur pulled it out. It came out as easily as a knife out of butter. Sir Ector saw this and took Arthur’s hand.
'Are you are my king,’ he said.

Only the next king can pull the sword out of the stone. Many people try, but they cannot move the sword. Then young Arthur tries, and it comes out easily. Now he will be king. But will he be a good king? Will his people love him? And will his life be happy?
The story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is very, very old. People know that there was a king in Britain between the years 400 and 600. He fought the Saxons, from countries in the north of Europe, and perhaps this king was Arthur. He lived, perhaps, in Wales or in the west of England - in Somerset or Cornwall.
People wrote stories about this king hundreds of years later, but they made the stories more interesting and more exciting. At that time people were interested in magic, knights and their ladies. So people fight with swords and use magic in these stories.
Who wrote these first stories? Nobody really knows, but different people in France and Britain wrote about King Arthur and his knights. Not every book about them has the same people and stories in it. One book (1484), by Sir Thomas Malory, is very famous. He used French stories about King Arthur and wrote them in English.

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Last edited by bevanng on 01 Mar 2024, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 07 Oct 2023




To the student:
Dictionary Words:
• When you read this book, you will find that some words are darker black than the others on the page. Look them up in your dictionary, if you do not already know them, or try to guess the meaning of the words first, without a dictionary.

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Re: Học Tiếng Anh

Postby bevanng » 12 Oct 2023


My Family and Other Animals


Level 3
Retold by Jocelyn Potter and Andy Hopkins
Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

The Durrells, an English family, go to live on the Greek island of Corfu. Gerald, the youngest son, is about ten years old. He is interested in plants and animals - all sorts of animals.
‘There are animals in every corner of the house,’ says his brother Larry. ‘There’s danger at any time of the day or night.’
The Durrells go to Greece for their health and the sun, and they meet a lot of interesting people. They find that life there is very different from life in England. Each person in the family has different ideas and, like any family, they often disagree.

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