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Are Computers Male Or Female?

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2006
by Minh Chau
Are Computers Male or Female?

As you are aware, ships have long been characterized as being female

(e.g., " Steady as she goes " or "She's listing to starboard, Captain !")

Recently, a group of computer scientists (all males) announced that

computers should also be referred to as being female. Their reasons

for drawing this conclusion follow: Five reasons to believe computers are Female:

1. No one but the Creator understands their internal logic.

2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers

is incomprehensible to everyone else.

3. The message "Bad command or file name" is about as informative as,

"If you don't know why I'm mad at you, then I'm certainly not going to tell you."

4. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for later retrieval.

5. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself

spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

However, another group of computer scientists, (all female) think that

computers should be referred to as if they were male. Their reasons

follow: Five reasons to believe computers are male:

1. They have a lot of data, but are still clueless.

2. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they

ARE the problem.

3. As soon as you commit to one you realize that, if you had waited

a little longer, you could have obtained a better model.

4. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

5. Big power surges knock them out for the rest of the night.

I'll take ten of those, please !!!!!!!!!!

A young men came to the counter at which Chirstmas cards were sold and asked the salesgirl behide it:

" Have you got anything sentimental?"

" Here's a lovely one," replied the salesgirl. " To The Only Girl I Ever Loved"

" That's fine. I'll take six - oh no - ten of those, please"

How innocent she is !!!!!!

Four-years-old Anna took a pen, a blank paper and drew something on it.

Then she came to her parents to show them her work. Taking a look at her

painting, they got very angry and their faces turned red like a tomato. Her

mother slapped brutely in her face. Her father asked her furiously:

- Tell me, Anna, where did you see this? Tell me, quick, right now.

- I.. I didn't do anything wrong... I saw it in...... mamy's sawing box.

- Non-sence. You liar. What is it?

- It's... it's.... it's... only a pair of scissors.

If you do not understand the story, pls feel free to ask me. I'll be happy

to send you the version in Vietnamese. It would be easier to understand.

Accident 1
A man from a small town was visiting the city . After asking directions from several persons with negative results , he spotted a policeman directing traffic at an intersection . Watching traffic carefully , he finally dashed between the passing cars to where the policeman stood .

Almost out of breath he said , "Can you please tell me how to get to city memorial hospital ?"

" That's easy," the policeman said ." You stand right where you are for about five minutes and an ambulance will be along to take you there

Divorce !
The judge was talking to the woman who wanted a divorce " You say in your complaint that you want to divorce your husband on ground of poor health . Would you please explain what you mean "

" It's very simple , your honor . I got sick of having him around the house"

the cocacola ... country !

There was a young man who went to travel by plane . In the plane , he of-ten nodded sleepily . Each time he startled awake he always asked the next person :

- What country we are over ?

then he calmly continued to sleep . One time when he startled wake , he saw the stewardess bringing a tray of beverages for the passengers , he asked :

- Please tell me what is the " water"?

The stewardess replied happily :

- Cocacola!

How could you do that !!!!!

A man came to a doctor to examine his belly. The doctor asked:

- What did you eat and drink yesterday?

- Drank wine and ate nuts.

- How much did you drink and eat?

- Two bottle of wine and 108 pieces of nuts.

- Non sense. How could you do that? Did you count exact number of nuts you ate when you were drinking?

- What else could I do when my wife was talking all the time

Two young men were boasting about living long in their home village. One said:

- In my village a man in age of 90 can be punished by his father because of his being unrespectful to his grand-father.

The other said:

- In my village a girl in age of 80 is not allowed to get married because she is under age.

Twice in the right
Twice in the right.

The village headman was known for his peculiar sense of justice.

Oen day Cai and Ngo had a fist and the affair was brought to his notice . A cautious man , Cai took care to offer the official a bribe of five coins .He didn't know that his rival had presened the man in authority with double that amount .

The headman handed down his sentense :

Cai , you his Ngo .It's an assault and battery . You'll receive ten lashes".

Cai was sure that the official had forgotten about his present .To remind him of it , he opend his hand in a gesture that showed his five fingers and said :

"Sir , please remember the facts. I was in the right".

Imperturbed, the headman opened both his hands, and with his ten fingers in full view of both parties, tersely answerd:

"Yes , I know. But Ngo was twice as right ."

Funny 1: teacher & pupil

A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!"

After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.

The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?"

"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself

Funny 2: In the bank
A young woman went into a bank to withdraw some money.

"Can you identify yourself?" asked the bank clerk.

The young woman opened her handbag, took out a mirror, looked into it and said, "Yes, it's me alright."

Do not get maried with these four kinds of girl
There are four kinds of women you should not get married with:

- Air stewardess: because she always prefers uper position, you man must be under her everytime.

- Teacher: she always thinks you are doing a wrong way, and repeatedly asks you to "do it again, do it again".

- Nurses: whenever she meets you, she commands "take off your pants" (for injection).

- Bus girl (who sell bus ticket on the car): with any man, she says: "come in, come in, please".

Just for Joke 64

A lady driver was breaking just about every rule of the road,

and made a turn from the wrong lane into the wrong street. A policeman

whistled at her. She refused to stop. The policeman finally caught up

with her and asked, "Didn't you hear me whistle?"

The lady driver said, "When I'm driving, I don't flirt!"

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2006
by Ngươi vien xu
chời ! ngộ mệt wá ! đọc tiếng Việt còn mệt huống hồ .....

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2006
by Minh Chau
Ngươi vien xu wrote:chời ! ngộ mệt wá ! đọc tiếng Việt còn mệt huống hồ .....

MC bỏ lên nhiều cho mọi người đọc từ từ, ai kêu NVX đọc 1 lúc hết đâu nè... Đọc cho cười mà than mệt... :ngầu: :tg: :tg: :tg: :bt:

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006
by Minh Chau
SG nha, làm kiểu này mướn cho mọi người cười chít luôn huh? MC có viết cái gì đâu nè, lị tự biên tự diễ rùi... :ngầu: :tg: :ct: :lol:

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006
by Minh Chau
Wa nhà nghe AnhTrai hận tình đi, SG làm MC cười xém đổ café ra bàn rùi nè... :cười: :khóc: :khóc:

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006
by Ngươi vien xu
xong luôn ! NVX cũng hông hiểu luôn

Và cũng hông hiểu vì sao SG mà MTDM lúc nào cũng....gây.. sự.... cố.....tình.....ý.....dzới nhau hén

Bữa nào NVX và MC và SG và MTDM gặp nhau, đầu tiên là MC và NVX sẽ cho SG và MTDM đứng đối diện cách nhau 1 gang tay! bắt phải nhìn thẳng vào mắt nhau nhưng cấm cười nói hay làm gì - mà chỉ đứng im như vậy nhìn nhau 15 phút - hông hiểu sau đó sẽ ra sao nữa hén bebebebebeb

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006
by Ngươi vien xu
SG ui, gần đây NVX hay cười bebebeb vì ở Mỹ hông có cary dê nên thèm lém, cười cho đỡ thèm, dzí lại nếu cười hehe thì lại giống Mưa, phải khác chút cho khỏi nhầm lẫn ! dzậy thui chứ ý đồ ý điếc gì đâu bebebebebeb :tt: :tt:

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006
by Ngươi vien xu
SG ui ! khi nào đi ăn cary dê , nhớ ăn dùm NVX 1 diã có thêm 1 diã cà dái dê nướng ( cà tím nói nghiêm chỉnh chứ hông đùa đâu, cái nào đùa đùa thật thật bebeb) uống rượu Gò đen Tây Ninh nha ( ăn xong trả tiền dùm NVX luôn nha, gì chứ NVX hay quên cái dzụ đó lắm ) bebeb