Cây Olive

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Cây Olive

Postby justfun » 06 Jun 2009


Cây Olive ở Jordan


Cây Olive sống trên 1500 năm


Dĩa Olive muối


Cây Olive

Cây Olive cho trái Olive. Trước 75 ít người Việt biết đến trái Olive vì trái Olive do người Tây mang qua và nhất là dầu lấy từ trái Olive quá mắc so với dầu dừa, dầu bắp hay mỡ.

Riêng người Âu Châu thì trái Olive đã gắn liền với lịch sử của ho.

Di Olivo. Tradizione.

Long-revered as a perfect plant, providing beauty, fruit and essential oil, the olive tree is believed to have existed for more than 5,000 years old. The French describe it as "L'arbre roi" - the regal tree. In Spain they have a saying, "Aceite de oliva, todo mal quita" - olive oil makes all pain go away. In mythology, the tree was Athena's gift to the city of Athens, making her their patron goddess. Even the Bible carries numerous references to the olive tree, including the dove with the olive branch that signaled the end of the great flood to Noah.

The olive tree not only appears throughout history, but remains as an important economic influence:
Olive trees do not have rings to determine their age, but scholars estimate their age to one and two thousand years old.
Through carbon dating, archeologists have established the presence of olive trees on the Island of Crete before 2500 B.C.
The systematic cultivation of olive trees started in the Stone and Bronze Age.
The oldest olive tree is 5,000 years old in Kolymvari, Chania.
The Romans cut down all the olive trees in their siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
In the ancient Olympic Games, winners were given olive wreaths as trophies.
In mythology, the olive tree was Athena's gift to the city of Athens, and she was chosen as their patron goddess.
The island of Corfu has more than three million olive trees, covering one third of the Island.
The Mediterranean region produces 99% of the world's olive oil.
The "Mission" olive tree was found growing in the old Spanish missions in California more than 200 years ago.

Tài liệu : http://www.ancientolivetrees.com/olive.html

Olea europaea L.
Common Name: Olive.
Related Species: Wild Olive (Olea africana), Oleaster (O. europaea var. oleaster).
Distant Affinity: American Olive (Osmanthus americana), Fragrant Olive (O. fragrans).
Còn VN gọi là cây Cà na không biết đúng không?

Có bao nhiêu loại Olive?

Today several dozen varieties are grown commercially around the world. Five commercially important varieties are grown in California: Manzanillo, Sevillano, Mission, Ascolano and Barouni, listed in descending order of crop size. Some representative olive cultivars including the commercial California varieties are listed below.
Very large, ellipsoidal fruit. Skin color very light even when ripe, pit very small. Fruit is tender and must be handled carefully. Contains very little bitterness and requires only moderate lye treatment. Excellent for pickles, but needs proper aeration during pickling to develop "ripe" color. Tree a heavy bearer, widely adapted.
Large fruit, almost as large as Sevillano. Trees spreading and easy to harvest. Withstands extremely high temperatures. The variety usually shipped to the East Coast for making home-cured olives. Originally from Tunisia.
Medium to large, plump fruit, ripening early. Resembles Sevillano. A popular pickling olive and principal cultivar in Spain, producer of most of the world's table olives.
Large, rounded-oval fruit. Skin brilliant purple, changing to deep blue-black when mature. Resists bruising. Ripens early, several weeks earlier than Mission. The pulp parts readily with its bitterness and is exceedingly rich when pickled. Excellent for oil and pickles. Tree spreading, vigorous, a prolific bearer.
Medium-sized, oval fruit. Skin deep purple changing to jet-black when ripe. Flesh very bitter but firm, freestone. Ripens rather late. Good for pickling and oil, specially ripe pickles. Most widely used for cold-pressed olive oil in California. Tree vigorous, heavy-bearing. More cold resistant than other cultivars. Grown at the old missions in California.
Small, elongated fruit. Skin light green, changing to wine red, then red-black when ripe. Pulp fleshy, firm-textured. Tree vigorous, medium-sized, bears heavy crops regularly. Cured olives have a delicate, subtle, lightly salty, nut-like flavor. Usually salt-brine cured. Popular in gourmet and specialty markets.
Medium-small, ovate fruit. Skin jet-black when ripe. Ripens 3 to 4 weeks earlier than Mission. Best suited for oil, but is also used for pickling. Tree large, precocious, often producing fruit the second year. An exceptionally prolific bearer. Very hardy and reliable even in dry situations. Originated in France.
Very large fruit, bluish-black when ripe. The largest California commercial variety. Stone large, clinging. Ripens early. Low oil content, only useful in pickling. Used for making Sicilian style salt brine cured olives, also the leading canning cultivar. Tree a strong grower and regular bearer. Require deep, rich, well drained soil. Will not stand much cold.

Tài liệu: http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/olive.html

Thế giới càng ngày càng có người bị bịnh “ Béo Phì” nên vấn đề kiểm soát lượng “ Cholesterol” là quan trọng.

Theo nhiều sự nghiêm cứu thì dầu Olive được coi là “Olive Oil is the Healthy Choice for Frying “

….In a study at Ankara University in Turkey, ( Department of Biochemistry durak@pallas.dialup.ankara.edu.tr" target="_blank" target="_blank) investigators examined the effect of heating olive oil, sunflower oil and soy oil to 180 degrees C. Olive oil fared the best. It retained its natural antioxidant defense potential and formed the fewest potentially cancer causing aldehydes. This may be because of its low linolenic acid content. Researchers have found that oils high in linolenic acid develop more off-flavors during frying. During frying oils change from one shape to another, called isomers. The "cis" isomer changes to a "trans" isomer with possible harmful health effects. Trans isomer fatty acids are used differently in the body and can cause damage to proteins and enzymes, damage to lungs, formation of age pigments, disruption of cell membranes and even cancer. Repeated frying also increased the ratio of saturated to unsaturated oil. Studies showed that it took 10 to 15 heatings to create these new oil forms. Some investigators heated the oil to 200 degrees C for 25 to 100 hours to produce toxic compounds. In commercial practice, oils should be replaced before these unhealthy chemicals are formed. Frying foods higher in water content seemed to protect the oil longer. …

Tài liệu : http://www.oliveoilsource.com/oliveoild ... sterol.htm
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Món quà tinh thần gởi tặng justfun từ: christiane, giamchua

Re: Cây Olive

Postby justfun » 06 Jun 2009

Dùng dầu Olive để tẩy chất Cholesterol :

Ngoài việc dung dầu Olive để chiên sào nấu, trộn xà lách… người ta còn dung để trị bệnh.

Nhiều người dung và thấy có hiệu quả sau khi đi thử lượng Cholesterol.

Phương Pháp Hạ Cholesterol

Chuẩn bị :

Vắt 3 ½ cup nước bưởi.

Chỉa nước bưởi làm 2 phần :

3 cup pha với 4 table spones (TWO (2) tablespoons would equal one ounce.
*Four tablespoons equals 1/4 cup or 2 fluid ounces) muối Epsom (có thể mua ở những siêu thị Mỹ và thường được đựng trong hộp giống như loại 1 pint sữa.).

½ cup không pha muối.

½ cup dầu Olive ( dung loại virgin olive tốt hơn)

2 giờ chiều ngưng ăn và chỉ uống nước loc. ( 2PM)

6 giờ chiều. (6 PM)

Uống ¾ cup nước bưởi pha muối.

8 giờ tối. (8 PM)

Uống ¾ cup nước bưởi pha muối.

10 giờ tối. ( 10PM)

Uống ½ cup nước bười không pha muối rối uống ½ cup dầu Olive.

Sáng hôm sau:

6 giò sáng. ( 6AM)

Uống ¾ cup nước bưởi pha muối.

8 giờ sáng. ( 8AM)

Uống ¾ cup nước bưởi pha muối.

Nên uống vào cuối tuần và tuân thủ theo thời gian ấn định cho hợp với tiến trình của cơ thể.

Phương Pháp Mỹ :

Olive Oil Cleanse
When you binge on foods like junk food, fast food, heavy non-vegetarian food and processed food you are likely to feel heavy and face problems like constipation, weight gain, heart burn, gas and bloating, tiredness, bulky and encounter hair and skin problems too. Not only this, eating this kind of food leads to blocked colon which is harmful for liver. For this you need to detoxify your system on regular basis which is not only necessary but also crucial. Olive Oil can help you out.

In case you encounter any of the problems or combination of problems listed below, you must seriously think of detoxifying your system. This is the time when you should detoxify your body. Problems are:
• persistent headaches
• Constipation
• Bulging stomach
• Powerful food cravings
• Problematic skin
• Metallic taste in mouth
• Tiredness and Lethargic
• Acidity and gas
• Weight gain
• Uneven digestion
• Irritation and mood swings
• Awful breath
• Stinking stools

You have a wide range of methods to cleanse your body like dieting, drinking cleansing drinks and even medical methods. But of all these Olive Oil Cleanse is simplest of all. Regular use of the method helps you overcome the problems mentioned above.

Olive oil is oily and lubricating. It lubricates the internal system and thus helps in easy motions further regulates our bowel movement. It is advisable to take olive oil twice a day, in the day and at night, only once a week. If you take it daily it can lead to loose motions or diarrhea. This helps to flush out the harmful toxins stored in our body and thus cleansing our liver too.

You can adopt several methods to gulp, one of it is:
The day when you have thought to detoxify your system, no eating after 4 o clock in the evening (a day prior). Late in the evening at around 10:30 take ¾ cup of a grape fruit juice, mix this to ½ cup of Olive Oil, stir and keep it aside for half an hour. After half an hour drink this mixture and go to bed instantly. Next morning, help yourself by doing a sea-salt water flush and to balance this have a glass full of fiber drink. This is the efficient way to cleanse your body.

Olive Oil is extracted from Olive fruit and primarily has 3 main acids that are oleic, palmitic and fatty. It not only has low amount of saturated fats but also serves as an antioxidant and is rich in medicinal uses. To cleanse the entire internal body system even gall bladder and liver, doctors usually recommend this technique. Intake of Olive Oil helps to prevent Asthma, gall-stones and lethargy.

To look slim, perfect and confident, you are just a few steps away. Olive, rich in fiber content helps to detoxify your body, cleanses your internal system and also prevents you from health hazards like asthma, gas, acidity etc. caused by unhealthy eating habits. So your wait is over, be fresh, live fresh and stay healthy.

Tài liệu :http://www.detoxyourbodytoday.com/Olive-Oil-Cleanse.html
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